And Welcome to Krown Kayak!!!

We are here to help inform, educate, and entertain!

A Short Background:

This past Summer of 2020, I was starting to form what I affectionally call COVID gut. Due to restrictions in New York State, there was a limited number of places you could go to exercise.

Did I indicate limited!?!


We’re so used to going to the gym for a quick workout we’ll often forget our whole world is our gym. Or at least I did.

But how much walking and hiking could I possibly do over an entire summer? I was looking for something more engaging and fun. That’s when I was turned onto Kayaking.

Kayaking can be GREAT exercise, GREAT stress reliever, GREAT relaxer, and GREAT fun.

My interest was piqued, and I was hooked instantly and as time permitted, journeyed out there four separate times during the season. I wish it could have been more, but those dang responsibilities cut into all that recreational time.

What came next were ideas and thoughts in further exploring this booming trend. With COVID a real thing people are looking to Social Distance with perfect alternatives to the gym.

Kayaking is an activity you can engage in solo or grab another non-COVID-infected friend and bring them along for the thrill.

That is where Krown Kayak came about. I wanted to learn more about the sport and engage others who equally enjoy it. As in all BLOGS, I wanted to share my knowledge and passion with others.

I’m pleased you are here!